Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tell me a story

Today we’ve held our 4th meeting. This time we’ve decided to focus on our speaking and listening skills playing a funny activity: it consist on inventing a story all together.
We’ve split up in four groups of eight people (yes, we were 32 participants. Super massive, as usual) and we had to continue a story starting with “It was a sunny day and I decided to go for a walk…”. The first person of the group had to go on from that sentence and after a while, one of the teachers said: “Next” and the following person had to continue the story.
It’s been very entertaining and we have invented really funny stories. The best part is that we have practiced our speaking and listening skills playing.
We’re looking forward to our next meeting. What will we do? I think it’ll be time for some technological activities.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Let´s play a kahoot!

What a great come back after holydays! Classes seemed a bit too long today after so many days out but at least we had a good thing coming at the end of the day: our club meeting! Today we changed our usual class to go to the computer room. We’ve learned what a Kahhot is. It’s a very funny way of playing together. It consists in a quiz with four answers for each question. We could see the questions and the answer in the projector and give our responses from our computers (or tablets or phones…). It sounds a bit complicated but it’s really fun. After playing a short quiz about Finland we prepared some questions for our Finnish friends. You can play it here. We hope our colleagues from Finland will enjoy this game and learn a bit more about our culture and traditions. We’re looking forward to having the next meeting on 22nd January. What will we do that day? I still don’t know, but I’m sure that it’ll be real fun, as it always is!

To play the game you have to follow the link, press playàClassic. Then you will see a pin code that you have to insert in https://kahoot.it from your phone or tablet, follow the questions in your computer and mark the answers in your portable device.